Arsen Pink for Men

Arsen Pink BelicosoA pink cigar?  Are you kidding?  What type of joke is this?  In fact, it’s not a joke at all but rather a serious new entry into the world of premium cigars.  Arsen Gasparian, a former Armenian diplomat and editor of a Russian cigar magazine, has come out with a line of quality smokes called Arsen Pink for Men.  Previously, Gasparian had a release of his Connoisseur Collection.  This was well received and he wanted to do more.  So, bucking trends and tradition and seeking fame and fortune, Gasparian came out with Pink for Men.

When you first look at the stick it presents well, if you can get over the pink band.  Frankly without the band it looks like any other premium cigar.  It is a nice golden brown and the cap is done flawlessly.  I cut and lit it without problem and it produced lovely smoke.

The construction if the stick was spotty at best.  The ash was fine.  The draw was open, but the cigar did not burn evenly.  It also went out and had to be relit a few times.  Even the relight did not help the burn which remained uneven.

I liked the taste and flavor of this smoke.  It started out grassy and turned earth after the first third.  If you drew a chart of strength the cigar started mild and became stronger as it smoked down.  The final third was spicy.  Overall, I would classify it as a medium bodied or ‘lunch’ cigar.  There was no after taste to speak of.

All in all this is an ok cigar.  It is priced a little bit higher than I would like, but not so overpriced to stop people from buying.  Arsen is a nice guy and I’m hoping his next cigars a re a little better since I wnat to like them more.

Cigar Info

  • Cigar Name: Belicoso
  • Brand: Arsen Pink for Men
  • Size: 6 x 54
  • Wrapper: Dominican Republic
  • Binder: Dominican Republic
  • Filler: Dominican Republic
  • Smoking Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Source: Manufacturer/Distributor
  • Price: ~$7.50

Cigar Ratings

  • Overall: 3.5
  • Appearance: 4
  • Construction: 3
  • Flavor: 3.5
  • Value: 3.5

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